Location: Ivánovics György hall (Great lecture hall), Classroom code: SO-100-6
6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 13.Tuesday 11:00-13:00
Course requirements:
The goal of the Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics course to elucidate the structure and function of the DNA and our cells. The scientific information of this field expands dramatically, the thematic of this subject includes several areas of biology, but we only have two lectures weekly which determines the structure and the way of explanation of the material: besides the fundamentals, many topics are explained through examples, logics of approaches and current trends, and avoids getting into unnecessary details. While the downloadable study material is well organized and easy to learn, the lectures focus on understanding and theoretical background. Molecular biology, genomics and cell biology are going to be fundamental areas of medicine in the near future. Because of the new technologies, the methods and approaches of these fields are constantly changing, therefore it is important to teach modern knowledge. Our curriculum is therefore updated year by year. During the main course, we explain the general basic principles of science, and-in a critical way-pseudo scientific approaches. During the course we focus on the current and future medical applications of cell biology and molecular genetics.
Date | Title | Instructor |
1. September 3. | Basics of cell biology & origin of life | Zsolt Boldogkői |
2. September 10. | DNA | Zsolt Boldogkői |
3. September 17. | RNAs & proteins | Zsolt Boldogkői |
4. September 24. | Cell cycle, cytoskeleton & cytogenetics | István Belecz |
5. October 1. | Transport processes | Zsolt Boldogkői |
6. October 8. | The human genome | Zsolt Boldogkői |
Date | Title | Instructor |
7. October 15. | Inheritance | János Szabad |
October 17-18. | 1st MTO | |
8. October 22. | Genetic regulation & epigenetics | Zsolt Boldogkői |
9. October 29. | Genes and traits – the code for the phenotype | Zsolt Boldogkői |
10. November 5. | Evolution | Zsolt Boldogkői |
11. November 12. | Cell signaling | Zsolt Boldogkői |
12. November 19. | Molecular biology of viruses | Zsolt Boldogkői |
Date | Title | Instructor |
13. November 26. | Molecular biology of bacteria | Ernő Duda |
November 28-29 | 2nd MTO | |
14. December 3. | Selected topics from the modern biology | Zsolt Boldogkői |
The following topics are covered during the course: origin of life, structure and function of cell organelles, structure and function of certain small molecules, proteins and nucleic acids, intracellular transport processes, the human genome, regulation of gene expression, epigenetic processes, laws of inheritance, basics of molecular evolution, inter and intracellular signaling pathways, genetics of microbes, the basics of neural and hormonal communication, techniques of molecular and cell biology, immunogenetics, genetics of behavior, gene therapy, stem cell therapies, recombinant gene technology, genetics of monogenic and complex diseases, microbiome, medical genomics, trends in medicine. The topics of the course in details: here!General information
Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics is the main two semester course held by the Dept. of Medical Biology. Attendance is obligatory, but absences are not punished, however visiting the lectures is remunerated.
Place & Time: every Tuesday, 11:00-12:30 in the great lecture hall of the Big Education Center (see the schedule in Neptun)
Curriculum: (1) textbook: LIFE (9th Edition) – it can be purchased from Medicina Bookstore Szeged 6720 Szeged, Tisza L. krt. 48.; (2) text files (pdf from word doc) and (3) pictures (pdf from power point slide) – they are downloadable from our website or from the Coospace.
Test questions on the lectures: 3 single choice questions in each lecture (5 possibilities - 1 correct answer). These tests also verify your attendance in lectures. If you give a correct answer, you get bonus points for the exam (see below).
Three-level curriculum: (1) Basic requirements, (2) Extra requirements, (3) Facultative materials
If you only learn the basic requirements (but no extra requirements), your maximum grade can be 3. If you want to get a better mark (4 or 5) you have to learn the extra requirements, too. Before the oral exam you can decide if you want to be asked from basic material only or both basic and extra requirements, the MTOs will contain both basic and extra requirements. The header of the uploaded material marks the types of the requirements. Facultative materials are for those students who are interested in biology, but it will be not asked at the exam.
(1) Consultations: The week before MTOs, at the time and place of seminars in practical room, attendance is compulsory
(2) Super Monday: first day of exam period
1 st MTO October 17-18: materials of lectures 1 - 6 + practices 1 – 2
2 nd MTO November 28-29: materials of lectures 7 - 12 + practices 4-5
Retake MTO: Super Monday
Points and grades of the MTO
0 - 15 p: 1
15.5 – 27,5p: 2
28 – 35 p: 3
35.5 – 42,5 p: 4
43-50 p: 5
Structure of the MTO:
- 15 single choice questions (9 basic- and 6 extra requirements)
- 1 essay question from basic requirements 10 points
- 5 definitions: 3 questions from basic requirements; 2 from extra requirements: 5x2p = 10 points
Maximum 34 points out of 50 points can be gathered from the basic requirements
Retake MTO - notes
(1) Points and grades for the retake-MTO are the same.
(2) You can take the retake MTO in case of one or two failed MTO(s) or with a mark 4-4, or 4-5
(3) In case of the failed MTO no bonus points are given for better performance at the retake-MTO (but extra oral question can be cancelled).
(4) In the case of failed MTOs, they can be repeated on Super Monday, or extra oral questions have to be drawn in the exam (for the details see below).
The exam basically takes place in written, but taking the exam in oral exam is also possible, without justification (if you want to take an oral exam. The oral exam is recommended for those students who think that he or she understands biology very well. At the retake exams there will be no extra oral questions because of the failed MTOs, but practical questions will not be forgotten on the retake exams. Registration for the exams trough the Neptun system. Please take in account that the places for the oral exams are limited! You can repeat an exam twice in the same exam period. To take your first exam is prohibited in retake exam period. Topic list is available in the Coospace.
Structure of the written exam:
- 10 single choice questions from basic-and extra requirements
- 3 essay questions: 2 from basic requirements and 1 from extra requirements
- 10 definitions: 5 from basic requirements; 5 from extra requirements: 10x2 points = 20 points
Maximum 60 points out of 100 points can be gathered from the basic requirements, the maximum is 100.
Points and grades:
0 - 40 p: 1
40,5 – 60p: 2
60,5 – 73p: 3
73,5 – 87p: 4
87,5-100p: 5
(1) There will be questions from the material of practices and seminars in the exams.
(2) In the case of failed MTOs, and non-attendance of practices and seminars, extra oral questions have to be drawn in the exam (for the details see below).
(3) At the retake exam, you will not have extra oral questions due to the failed MTOs
(4) results of the MTOs can be taken into account for the exam (details see below)
Bonus points for the exam: you can get bonus points for the following activities:
(1) attendance of the lectures
(2) attention in lectures
(3) activity in practices and seminars
(4) points from the Head of the Department
(5) good performance at the MTOs
(6) attendance of the lectures Basics of Mol. Biol. (two points in case max. of 1 absence, 1 point in case of 2 absences)
(7) other: attendance of the lectures of Frontiers of Mol. Biol.(max. 2 bonus points), visiting the lectures held on Saturday (max. 2 points), etc.
(1) Attendance points of the lectures and attention in the lectures (correct answers to the questions in lectures) You can get Maximum 50 points.
For the attendance of the lectures maximum 8 points (not bonus points!) can be earned:
- 8 points, if you attend all lectures - 6 points, if you are absent maximum 1 times - 3 points, if you are absent maximum 2 times - 1 points, if you are absent maximum 3 times
(2) For the correct answers to the test questions in the lectures maximum 14x3=42 points can be earned. Bonus points, attendance points of the lectures and right answers to the test questions in the lectures can be calculated according to the following:
If your written exam grade is 1:
- 10 bonus points, if you get 40-50 points
- 6 bonus points, if you get 35-39 points
- 4 bonus points, if you get 30-34 points
- 2 bonus points, if you get 25-29 points
If your written exam grade is 2:
- 6 bonus points, if you get 40-50 points
- 4 bonus points, if you get 35-39 points
- 3 bonus points, if you get 30-34 points
- 2 bonus points, if you get 25-29 points
If your written exam grade is 3:
- 4 bonus points, if you get 40-50 points
- 2 bonus points, if you get 35-39 points
- 1 bonus points, if you get 30-34 points
If your written exam is grade 4:
- 2 bonus points, if you get 40-50 points
- 1 bonus points, if you get 35-39 points
(3) Tests written on the practices
- 6 bonus points, if you have 28-30 right answers
- 5 bonus points, if you have 25-27 right answers
- 3 bonus points, if you have 22-24 right answers
- 2 bonus points, if you have 19-21 right answers
- 1 bonus point, if you have 16-18 right answers
(4) Activities on seminars and practices: 2 bonus points according to the tutors’ recommendation.
(5) Bonus points from the Head of Department: maximum 2 bonus points, based on your activity on lectures, e.g. attendance at the Saturday lecture – 2 points
(6) Bonus points, based on MTO results and other awards and penalties:
(7) Attendance in Basics in Molecular Biology course: maximum 1 absence from the course: 2 bonus points, 2 absences from the course: 1 bonus point
Both MTOs are 5: 4 bonus points in the written exam + mark of the MTO will be counted to the exam grade: 2 marks of the MTOs+ 1 exam mark One 5 and one 4 grades at the MTO: 3 bonus points in the written exam Two 4 grades at the MTO: 2 bonus points in the written exam One 4 and one 3 grades: 1 bonus points in the written exam One failed MTO: an extra oral question in the exam (need to give correct answer to pass the exam) Two failed MTOs: two extra oral questions in the exam (need to give correct answer to pass the exam)
(8) attendance of the lectures of Frontiers of Mol. Biol.Biol.( maximum 2 absences from the course: 2 bonus points, 3- 4 absences from the course: 1 bonus point
(9) Other bonuses: 2 bonus points if you attend in special, named lectures (details later) in Frontiers of Molecular Biology
(1) You can retake the MTOs at the first day of exam period (on Super Monday). If you have 4+4 or 4+5 MTO results, than you can have retake MTO to get a 5. You are allowed to rewrite the failed MTOs, but in this case you cannot get bonus points for the better MTO mark(s).
(2) In the case of maximum 2 absences in lectures: one of the extra questions (because of your failed MTOs) will be cancelled (details see below)
(3) There is a criterion to get the bonuspoints (attendance points and right answers of the test questions): the majority of the students should sign an agreement of the department, which means, that attention and obedience are dominating during the lectures.
Penalties and their avoidance
(1) Extra oral questions due to failed MTOs: 1 or 2 questions, depending the number of failures in the MTOs (absence from the MTO means failed MTO).
- One of the extra oral questions can be cancelled if you diligently visit the lectures. Two absences are tolerated for taking this advantage. (One failed MTO – no extra question; 2 failed MTOs – 1 extra question)
- The extra oral question will be cancelled at the retake exam(s)
(2) Non-attendance of practices and seminars: for the penalties see below
- retake of the practices is not possible due to the schedule plan
- oral report because of the practical absences will be not cancelled in the retake exam(s)
(3) We do not tolerate any form of the cheating! Your ID card, or student card must be on hand in MTOs and exams.