Medizinische Molekularbiologie und Genomik

English course | Englische Kurse

Location: Big Education Center Classroom No. 49.

6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 13

Wednesday 18:00-19:30 (see schedule)

Course requirements:

This subject is for upper class medical students to refresh the material learnt in the first year, also presenting the advances of recent years.

Datum Title Lehrer
1. September 4. Molecular Genetics Zsolt Boldogkői (Tamás Petkovits)
2. September 18. Molecular Therapies Zsolt Boldogkői
3. October 2. Molecular Diagnostics Dóra Tombácz
4. October 16. Microbiome Ernő Duda
5. October 30. FALL BREAK
6. November 13. Obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes István Belecz
7. November 27. Trends in modern medicine Zsolt Boldogkői
Exam: written or oral (depending on your choice)
the ones who regularly visit the lectures (who has max. 2 absences) are allowed

1. to take the test at the last lecture,
2. if the mark of the test not acceptable- to write an essay

The essay should be your own work without copying internet pages, or books. Regulation of scientific citation is applied. The essays containing at least 12.000 characters. In case of plagiarism your essay will be ‘not accepted’.