19th DKMT Euroregional Conference on Environment and Health,
9-10 June 2017, Szeged, Hungary

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Program booklet Program and abstracts - later


Dear Colleagues,
the Local Organizing Committee has the pleasure to invite you to the next, 19th DKMT Euroregional Conference on Environment and Health, organized by the Department of Public Health, University of Szeged; and the Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The conference will take place in the University’s Szent-Györgyi Albert Educational Centre, under Dóm tér 13, Szeged. Both oral and poster presentations are welcome. The official language of the conference is English. On Friday, 9 June, an evening reception will be held for all registered participants.

All participants are kindly requested to pay a

registration fee of 50.00 EUR

Please, pay this modest sum by bank transfer only. We shall send you – to the name and address you gave in the online registration form – an invoice with the sum and the bank account number in due time. To reduce banking costs, you have the option to transfer several participants’ fees with one transaction, but be sure to state the names clearly.
The organizers look forward to your participation and presentations, and hope that the Conference will further promote the regional cooperation of scientists for a better and healthier environment.


Please, prepare and present your material in English.
Oral presentation: Invited speakers have 20 min, and other presentations 10 min time (+ 5 min for discussion). PC projectors (and overhead, if requested) will be provided. Should you need extra equipment, please, contact the organizers in due time.
Poster presentation: The board size is ca. 80 x 120 cm (tall/portrait format, hard wood, poster mounting material will be provided).

Interested participants are encouraged to submit their results in manuscript form to Acta Biologica Szegediensis (https://www2.sci.u-szeged.hu/ABS/Acta%20HP/instr.pdf) or Journal of Environmental Geography (http://www.geo.u-szeged.hu/journal/?q=content/instructions-authors). Please be sure to observe the instructions for authors, and note that submitted manuscripts will undergo full review process and submissions out of scope of the journals will not be accepted.

Looking forward to meeting you in Szeged:

Edit Paulik MD, PhD
Head of Department of Public Health
András Papp PhD
Head of the Local Organizing Committee



Abstracts should be not longer than ca. 2000 characters, and be formatted as follows:

Péterfi, A.1, Petrescu, B.1, Petrović, C.2
1Research Institute, 2University Department, Town, Country

The body of the text should be written single-spaced with no indentations. Use standard abbreviations only. Do not include references and figures or tables into the abstract. Use 12 pt Times Roman font with 2,5 cm side margins.

Please, send your abstract by e-mail to dkmtconf2017@gmail.com NOT LATER THAN 5 May 2017.
The abstracts will be published as an E-Book with ISBN number.