Name: Prof. András Varró, MD,PhD, DSc Addresses: Information Telephone: (+36)-62-545-683 and (+36)-62-545-682 Telefax: (+36)-62-545-680 E-mail: |
Date of birth: 19th, May, 1954, Szeged, Hungary
Marital status: wife: Dr. Adrienn Cserháti radiologist
children: Diána (1993)
Ádám (1997)
Hobby: history, sport
Positions: Professor of Pharmacology
Educational background:
- 1972-78, Student at the Medical University of Szeged
- 1975-78, Member of the “Student Scientific Circle” in the Department of Pharmacology (tutor: Professor Julius Gy. Papp)
- 1976-78, Demonstrator (Department of Pharmacology)
Scientific degrees:
- 1987, Candidate of Medical Sciences (later: Ph.D.)
- 1998, Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)
- 1999, Habilitation: Title: Med. Habil., at the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University
- 1998, Diploma of Clinical Pharmacology
Post gradual, professional training
- 1978-90, Drug Research Institute, Budapest
(Dr.György Rabloczky)
- 1982-84, Krannert Institute of Cardiology Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
(Prof Borys Surawicz)
- 1988-90, Department of Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics,
University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
(Profs. David Lathrop and Prof. Arnold Schwartz)
- 1991 -2001, Department of Pharmacology, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University, Szeged
(Prof. László
Szekeres (1990-91) and Prof. Gyula Papp (1991-2001)
- 1991 -92, Department of Veterinary Preclinical Sciences, University of Liverpool, England
(Prof. David Eisner)
Gradual teaching: Lecturing pharmacology and electrophysiology for medical students in Hungarian and English language
14 students Scientific Circle mentorship
Diploma works: 5 students supervisor
Postgradual teaching: PhD students: (László Virág (1999), Dr. Beáta Baláti (2000), Norbert Iost (2000),
Ottó Hála (2003), Miklós Opincariu (Bitai)
(2004), Dr. Csaba Lengyel (2004),
János Takács (2004), Dr. Péter Biliczki (2005), 50
%: Dr. István Koncz (2014)
Mentorship: 4 close habilitated and 1 PhD coworker scientists (Dr. Csaba Lengyel, Dr. Norbert Jost, Dr. István Baczkó,
Dr. András Tóth and Dr.
László Virág is expected to submit DsC thesis
within the next few years.
PhD and DsC committe works: Regular participants as opponent and committee member in PhD and DsC thesis defenses.
University career and previous positions:
- 1978-82, Scientific coworker, Drug Research Institute, Budapest
- 1982-90, Scientific worker, Drug Research Institute, Budapest
- 1991-93,
Scientific worker, Department of Pharmacology,
Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University, Szeged
- 1993-99,
Scientific adviser, Department of Pharmacology,
Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University, Szeged
- 1999-
Full professor, Department of
Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, University of Szeged
- 2001 1 July- Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged
- 2007-
Head of Division of Cardiovascular Pharmacology,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences and University of Szeged
- 2010-13, Head of the Strategic and Granting Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged
- 2011-14, Vice Rector for Science and Innovation of the University of Szeged
- 1982-84, Krannert Institute of Cardiology, Indianapolis, IN. USA
- 1988-90, Department of Pharmacology, Univ. of Cincinnati, OH, USA
- 1991-92, Department of Veterinary Preclinical Sciences, Univ. of Liverpool,
Academic career:
- 1980-90, Institute for Drug Research, Budapest, Hungary
- 1991-present, Department of Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapy, Faculty
of Medicine, University of Szeged, Hungary
Research interest:
- cellular mechanism of antiarrhythmic drug actions
- cardiac electrophysiology
- cardiovascular pharmacology
Teaching Experience:
- pharmacology – undergraduate level
- cardiovascular pharmacology – postgraduate level
- cardiac electrophysiology - postgraduate level
- Hungarian Physiological Society
- Hungarian Society of Cardiology
- International Society for Heart Research, European Section (ISHR-ES)
- American Heart Association (AHA)
- British Pharmacological Society
- The Physiological Society (British)
- European Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology (EWGCCE)
- European Society for Cardiology (FESC, 1999)
Editorial work:
- 1998- 2002, British Journal of Pharmacology
- 2004 present, J Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- British J. Pharmacology
- Cardiovascular Research
- European J. Pharmacology
- General Pharmacology
- J. Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
- J. Physiology (London)
- J. General Physiology and Biophysics
- Life Sciences
- J. of Mollecular and Cellular Cardiology
Publication records:
158 full length papers
174 published abstracts
10 book chapters
10 most important publications:
1. Varró A., Elharrar V., Surawicz B.: Frequency-dependent effects of several class I antiarrhythmic drugs on Vmax of action potential upstroke in canine cardiac Purkinje fibers. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacology, 7:482-492, 1985.
2. Varró A., Nakaya Y., Elharrar V., Surawicz B.: Use-dependent effects of amiodarone on Vmax in cardiac Purkinje and ventricular muscle fibers. Eur. J. Pharmacology, 112:419-422, 1985.
3. Varró A.,
Lathrop D.A.: Sotalol and mexiletine: combination of rate dependent electrophysiological
J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacology, 16: 557-567, 1990.
4. Varró A., Negretti N., Hester S.B., Eisner D.A.: An estimate of the calcium content of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in rat ventricular myocytes. Pflügers Arch. Eur. J. Physiology, 423: 158-160, 1993.
5. Negretti N., Varró A., Eisner D.A.: Estimate of net calcium fluxes and sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium content during systole in rat ventricular myocytes. Journal of Physiology (London), 486: 581-591, 1995.
6. Varró A., Virág L., Papp J.Gy.: Comparison of the chronic and acute effects of amiodarone on the calcium and potassium currents in isolated rabbit cardiac myocytes. British J. Pharmacology, 117:1181-1186, 1996.
7. Iost N., Virág L., Opincariu M., Szécsi J., Varró A., Papp J. Gy.: Delayed rectifier potassium current in undiseased human ventricular myocytes. Cardiovascular Research, 40, 508-515, 1998.
8. Varró A., Baláti B., Iost N., Takács J., Virág L., Lathrop D. A., Lengyel Cs., Tálosi L., Papp J. Gy.: The role of IKs in dog ventricular muscle and Purkinje fibre repolarisation. Journal of Physiology (London), 523:67-81, 2000.
9. Biliczki P., Virág L., Iost N., Papp J.Gy., Varró A.: Interaction of different potassioum channels in cardiac repolarization in dog ventricular preparations: role of repolarization reserve British J. Pharmacology 137: 361-368, 2002
10. Jost N., Virág L., Bitay M., Takács J., Lengyel Cs., Biliczki P., Nagy Zs., Bogáts G., Lathrop D.A., Papp J.Gy., Varró A.: Restricting Excessive Cardiac Action Potential and QT Prolongation A vital Role for IKs in Human Ventricular Muscle Circulation. 2005;112:1392-1399.