Dr. Fűzné Prof. Dr. Pikó Bettina D.Sc.

Egyetemi tanár




Hazai folyóiratok:

Addictologia Hungarica

Alkalmazott Pszichológia
(Applied Psychology)

Geographia Medica
(1992-1996, assistant editor)

Lege Artis Medicinae

Mentálhigiéné és Pszichoszomatika
(Hungarian Journal of Mental Health and Psychosomatics)
(member of the editorial board)

Kapocs (szerkesztőbizottsági tag)

Orvosi Hetilap
(The Hungarian Medical Weekly)

Szociológiai Szemle
(The Hungarian Sociological Quarterly)


Nemzetközi folyóiratok:

Addictive Behaviors

BMC Public Health

Collegium Anthropologicum (Croatia)

Depression Research and Therapy
(2009-, associate editor)

Health Education Research

Indian Journal of Medical Sciences
(2009-, members of the editorial board)

International Journal of Behavioral Medicine

International Journal of Nursing Studies

International Journal of Public Health

Journal of Adolescence

Journal of Adolescent Health

Journal of Early Adolescence

Journal of Behavioral Addictions
(member of the editorial board)

Journal of Happiness Studies

Journal of Health Psychology

Journal of Postgraduate Medicine

Multidisciplinary Approach to Child and Adolescent Depression
Special Issue Editor in Chief: Bettina F. Piko

Personality and Individual Differences

Preventive Medicine

Psychology and Health
(2007: associate editor)

Social Behavior and Personality

Social Science and Medicine

Anxiety, Stress and Coping